Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tell Me Thursday

Our youngest son had his first loose tooth. It's extraction was imminent and I was trying to get a picture of it before it came out. He struggled to position his mouth so that I could see the tooth, and this is the best picture I got (note that you cannot see the tooth, lol).

He lost the tooth the next day and here is what he looks like now:

Tell Me Thursday


Anonymous said...

That's too funny! Did he keep it in till it fell out on it's own, or did he pull it out before it's time to collect the prize money??

Gabriel said...

I'm the official 'teeth puller' at home, as my wife just cringes at the idea...

Good story! Here's mine. Hope you're having a great day!

Melitsa said...

They are so proud of that missing tooth!

Alea Milham said...

I looked at the picture yesterday and could not figure out what was going on - couldn't even guess! I am so glad you told the story today. I love that smile!

When my son lost his first tooth, we had him put it under the pillow for the tooth fairy. The next morning he woke me and said, "the tooth fairy is a thief! She took my tooth". I asked if the tooth fairy left him any thing, when he said yes, I told him that the tooth fairy didn't steal his tooth, but traded it. The next night he came to me and told me he had written a letter to the tooth fairy telling her he wanted to trade the money back for his tooth. The tooth fairy gave him his tooth back and wrote a note laying down the rules for any future transactions.:-)