Here are some pics:

In this close-up picture you can see some of the lemons on the tree. It is hard to tell from the picture, but these little lemons are about the size of a golf ball now. To me, the amazing thing about them is that we have 18 of them on this little tree.

The mesclun is growing so well. The temperatures here have been getting into the 80's at mid day, so we will probably use up all of the lettuce this week before it starts trying to go to seed.
We've been using a lot of our parsley and basil, and we're drying some oregano for storage. We also have one small bell pepper and lots of flowers on our red pepper plant. DS9 planted watermelon a few weeks ago and it is beginning to grow. DS6 planted sunflowers a few days ago. They have yet to sprout, but we are hopeful that they will soon.
I am inspired to try growing a dwarf lemon tree in a pot! I have 2 1/2 acres, but trees have to be able to survive -20 degree temperature to go in the ground. If I put a tree in a pot I could let it winter on the back porch. Thanks for the idea!
Thanks for the comment and good luck with your tree :o) I'm not sure how I found your blog (maybe Menu Plan Monday??), but early this morning, I spent some time on it and loved it - I ended up subscribing to it.
Thanks again for visiting and for your comment :o)
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