Wednesday, May 27, 2009

WFMW: Packing Lunch for Work or School

As I mentioned in my giveaway post, and many other recent posts, we are huge fans of Laptop Lunches. I was talking with a friend about Laptop Lunches and she was saying that she wondered if she would be able to pack lunches for her whole family and still get everyone out the door on time. In the Laptop Lunches User's Guide, on thing the authors suggest, and something that will work even if your Laptop Lunches System has not come in yet, is packing the lunch the night before. When you are clearing the table, putting away the leftovers from supper and washing the dishes, if you pull out your Laptop Lunches and place them on the counter, you can quickly and easily pack them with leftovers from supper and then just add a few "side dishes" or snacks to the box and then put the whole thing in the refrigerator, ready for morning. Again, this can work even if you don't yet have a Laptop Lunches system.

Click here if you'd like to enter my Laptop Lunches User's Guide giveaway.

With things so uncertain these days, more and more people are starting to pack their lunches instead of dining out every day. Packing a waste-free lunch (where everything is reusable) is easy (and usually much healthier) with just a little planning and advanced preparation.

Go to We Are THAT Family to see more Works For Me Wednesday posts.


Paula @ Organizing Tips For Moms said...

The Laptop Lunches are a great product! My husband puts some of the left overs for his lunch in a reusable container right away.

Lisa said...

Where did you find that lunchbox?

RLR said...

We got two LLBs for our kids last summer, and are eagerly anticipating the arrival of two more sets this week! The kids love taking their lunches, and I love that I can pack them ahead of time and they don't take up bunches of space in my already crowded fridge!

Lisa - check out this earlier post
and then go to

Jerralea said...

Yes, I seriously need to get in the habit of packing the lunch right after dinner. It would save so much hassle in the mornings!