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We received an email late last week from the farmer who raised our beef order, that our order would not be ready until next week. This is going to affect our plan for this week, unfortunately, as we were looking forward to that beef. Its been about 6 months since we've had clean beef (we won't eat CAFO rasied beef). Hopefully, it will indeed be ready on Saturday, as we are planning to add it to our menu this week.
This week, we will be eating from the pantry. I made a list of all meals we could make with what we had on hand (except for Saturday, for obvious reasons). We should only need to stop by the store for milk and maybe fresh produce.
Here's the menu for the week:
Baked Oatmeal
Eggs and grits
Cold Cereal
PB sandwiches
Sliced Turkey Sandwich
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Banana Nut Bread
Home baked Bagels
Hummus and flat bread
Monday: Chicken Noodle Soup with bread sticks and salad (by request, we're having this again this week) - The chicken noodle soup is cooking in the crock pot right now.
Prep for tomorrow: soak black beans, make tea, bake banana nut bread
Tuesday: Cuban Black Beans and brown rice with steamed broccoli
prep for tomorrow: peel and season shrimp, bake bagels
Wednesday: Yakisoba shrimp and veggies (we didn't get to make this last week because we were eating leftovers)
prep for tomorrow: bake flatbread (for hummus snack)
Thursday: Mini Muffaletta sandwiches and a green salad
prep for tomorrow: make a pitcher of tea, bake cheesecake
Friday: Pan friend Tilapia, salad and corn on the cob
prep for tomorrow: bake hamburger buns
Saturday: yummy grass-fed beef burgers, dressed with lettuce, tomato, caramelized onions and cheese, with either steamed or roasted broccoli, cheese cake
Sunday: Leftover buffet.
Check out I'm An Organizing Junkie, host of Menu Plan Monday, for hundreds of menus.
My husband and I talked just talked this weekend about checking into somewhere locally where we can get grass-fed beef.
We are also eating out of our freezer to make room for a meat stock-up!
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
We also still need to make some room in our freezer for the beef order which is one of the reasons we're eating pantry/ freezer this week. :o) So, while we were disappointed that our beef was delayed one week, I guess is was, in a way, a blessing, as it would never have fit in the freezer last week, lol.
If you don't know of a source of local, grass- fed beef, you can often find one on www.localharvest.org . Good luck :o)
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